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The Key to a Safe Powerpoint Installation

The Key to a Safe Powerpoint Installation

plumbing maintenance checklist

Installing a new powerpoint may seem like an easy task, but you need a skilled and experienced electrician to do it for you to minimise the chances of causing a fire or electrocution. If you are not sure when or how to replace your powerpoints, here is everything you need to know before calling your […]

Help… My dishwasher Won’t drain!

help my dishwasher wont drain

Have you opened your dishwasher and found a big puddle of water? Don’t panic because there are a few things you can do yourself before you ring your emergency plumber Perth! We’ll help you tackle the problem in 8 easy steps. 1 – Drain Your Dishwasher You can easily drain the water from your dishwasher […]

Plumbing Checks To Make When Buying a Home

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No matter whether you’re buying an investment property or your forever home, it’s so important to fully inspect the condition of the plumbing system prior to purchase. Once you’ve signed the contract and taken ownership, any plumbing maintenance issues will become your responsibility. While it’s ultimately up to the seller to ensure the property is […]

Handy Home Maintenance Tips

GA Perry Website Shoot 2019 Shooter Carwyn 3

Whether you’re renting a property or living in your own home, there’s nothing more inconvenient than a home maintenance issue. Basic tasks such as flushing the toilet or boiling the kettle can suddenly become major struggles if you have a fault in your plumbing or electrical services. Most of us will dismiss minor maintenance problems […]