Are your water bills higher than usual? From increased water consumption to new appliances, there are many factors that can affect your bills. You can try to determine the cause by eliminating options that don’t apply to your household. If you still don’t know the reason, call your trusty specialists in water leak detection Perth. There might be a hidden issue that is causing problems!
The Most Common Reasons for High Water Bills
If you suddenly have high water bills, you need to do some detective to determine the cause of this unexpected change. Has something changed in your household? Have you purchased a new washing machine? Did you plant a new lawn or garden? Think about different factors that can affect your water consumption. Here are some of the most common reasons:
- You are in a different water pricing tier
- Your demand for water has changed
- You had extra people staying in your home
- Weather conditions have changed
- You’ve installed new appliances that consume more water
- You used more water for extra reticulation or
- There is a leak in your reticulation or a broken sprinkler
If you have eliminated all of these factors and you are unable to determine what has caused the problem, there might be a hidden leak you can’t detect by yourself. The problem can be in the pipes that are buried underground and you can’t see them. If you suspect that something is wrong, it is time to ring professional plumbers because they will quickly find the issue and fix it before it escalates.
What Can You Do to Prevent the Problem?
Don’t wait to get enormous water bills! You can prevent potential problems by monitoring your water consumption. Measure how much water your family is using daily. If you buy new appliances or install a new reticulation system, check if they made any substantial changes. You should also check the reading on your water bill and make sure it is in line with the reading on your water meter.
You can also do occasional checks to make sure you don’t have any leaks. When you turn all of your taps and water outlets off, your water meter will show if there is a leak. Don’t use water for one hour, and do two different readings for comparison.
It is also highly advisable to carry out regular maintenance checks. Experts in water leak maintenance Perth-wide can inspect your plumbing from time to time to ensure everything works properly.
How Your Trusty Plumber Can Help?
If you have eliminated all possible causes of high water bills, you probably have a hidden leak. Ring your trusty plumbers in Perth to inspect your house and fix the problem before it escalates. When it comes to plumbing leak detection, Perth locals choose reliable companies that have been in the business for years. At GA Perry, we have experienced professionals who are available 24/7.